Heavenly stars who Inspire……

Our Patroness
Our guiding star, Mary Rani,
The compassionate Mother of Jesus,
Keep us ever under the mantle of thy loving care

St. Francis of Assisi
Patron Saint of Ecology , Pray for the world
St. Francis, was a mystic and pilgrim, who lived in
simplicity and in wonderrful harmony with God,with others, with nature and with himself. For him the whole universe was an open library. He could see God in all the creatures and experience His presence in everything and every where.

St. Clare
Little plant of St. Francis,
keep us close to Jesus.
St. Clare was the first flower in Francis’ Garden
Who had shone like a radiant star, fragrant as a Flower blossoming white and pure. She had a vision, a truth of her own. She had a call, a call of her own. Clare lived Francis’ ideals and reserved Francis’ way of life even after his death.

St. Alphonsa
The passion flower of FCC pray for us.
St. Alphonsa stands as a challenge to the modern
world. She considered sufferings and sacrifices as
the loving kisses from the crucifix. St. Alphonsa is a
high source of inspiration to see the will of God in
everything and experience peace and joy in all our